7 Feb 2025


Leadtek Research (Winfast) WinFast TV USB, Version: USB Driver

Company: Leadtek Research (Winfast)
Model: WinFast TV USB, Version:
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: W9X_TVUSB_20416.zip


Leadtek Research (Winfast) WinFast TV USB, Version: Driver. WinFast TV USB

WinFast TV USB driver (by inf way) and WinFast TV USB Application installation.

Note Please have DirectX 8.1 installed before installing the driver and AP.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 12387 01-16-02 10:13 NTSC.inf 344923 12-17-01 13:30 USBAP/ikernel.ex_ 30261 03-13-02 01:55 USBAP/data1.hdr 1040470 03-13-02 01:55 USBAP/data2.cab 5743995 03-13-02 01:55 USBAP/data1.cab 441 03-13-02 01:55 USBAP/layout.bin 921654 12-15-00 18:06 USBAP/Setup.bmp 139264 05-16-00 16:36 USBAP/Setup.exe 283 03-13-02 01:54 USBAP/Setup.ini 148669 03-13-02 01:54 USBAP/setup.inx 12521 01-16-02 10:13 NTSCNoFM.inf 32768 06-15-01 13:30 Nttuner.ax 13189 06-15-01 13:30 NTTUNER.INI 22191 06-15-01 13:30 NUVAUDIO.INF 22848 06-15-01 13:30 NUVAUDIO.SYS 22208 12-07-01 17:51 NUVAUDIONoFM.INF 45056 06-15-01 13:30 NUVAudioPreview.exe 49664 06-15-01 13:30 Nuvision.ax 2 06-15-01 13:30 Nuvision.cat 90112 06-15-01 13:30 Nuvision.ds 27903 06-15-01 13:30 NUVISION.INF 135424 06-15-01 13:30 Nuvision.sys 139264 06-15-01 13:30 Nuvtwain.dll 61440 06-15-01 13:30 NUVYUV.DLL 26319 01-16-02 10:13 PAL.inf 26596 01-16-02 10:13 PALNoFM.inf 19025 01-16-02 10:13 SECAM.inf 19272 01-16-02 10:13 SECAMNoFM.inf 24545 01-16-02 10:13 UsbNTSC.inf 24682 01-16-02 10:13 UsbNTSCNoFM.inf 40782 01-16-02 10:13 UsbPAL.inf 40956 01-16-02 10:13 UsbPALNoFM.inf 19096 01-16-02 10:13 UsbSECAM.inf 19240 01-16-02 10:13 UsbSECAMNoFM.inf -------- ---- 9317450 34 files

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